Havening & Psy-Tap
Fears and Anxiety in Young People
Therapist – Joy Bamford MPNLP, TFT-Dx, EMDR
Young people are experiencing higher levels of anxiety than ever before. This is due to the changes that are happening and the uncertain times we are all experiencing at the moment. This is creating worry and fear in all of us as a nation, All staff at Bridging the Gap are trauma informed trained.
I have worked with young people for over 25 years and specialise in therapies called Havening and Psy-Tap, NLP, TFT and EMDR and have great results with these modalities. I have worked with some outstanding therapists and been trained by the leaders of their field of expertise including Paul McKenna, Richard Bandler (NLP), Roger Callahan (TFT), Kevin Laye (Psy-Tap) and many more.
I have found over the years that young people do not like the thought of discussing their problems over and over to strangers and feel that therapy and counselling is a waste of their time. They say that talking about the trauma just brings it all back again and they don’t want to talk about it.
With the Havening and Psy-Tap the young person does not have to even tell what their problem is as long as they can recall and think about it for at least 90 seconds then I can work with them linguistically to remove the emotion from the trauma and help them to eliminate their fears, anxiety and phobias.
If a memory cannot be recalled the trauma can still be worked with in the same way.